VTS 07 Summer CPE

A place where I, Steve, can selfishly blog and hopefully have some friends along with me. Our focus this summer will be dealing with CPE (Church Punishes Everyone) and the trauma that goes with being a chaplain, being in community, and group process/group think. All are invited, and if you've run across us please do jump aboard.

Friday, July 22, 2005

a two day post

i began to write this yesterday but ran out of time before lunch and never got back to it. So here's yesterday's and today's in one handy installment.

Mend broken relationships, and restore those in emotional distress to soundness of mind and serenity of spirit;
Hear us, O Lord of life.

I've never had the chance to debrief a father immediately following his child's baptism, until last night. The proud papa last night was stressed, to the point of distress. The guest of honor was late, the gown was difficult to put on, the video camera was without battery, and the older sister was hellbent on climbing into the pulpit. It was... a baptism. I have yet to see an infant baptism that didn't have its difficulties, that didn't embarrass the parents; it just doesn't happen. But to understand what that emotional distress does to a parent who is trying to worship their God and to make promises on their child's behalf was enlightening. I think it is Desmond Tutu who has been credited with saying that a empty stomach has no ears. I would say this is equally true of a distressed mind. After explaining to Chris what the sermon was about, and how the priest nearly set his son on fire I realized that the stress of the event blinded him to all that was going on. Now the challenge comes in figuring out how to return people to soundness of mind and serenity of spirit in these types of situations.

With you, O Lord, is the well of life:
And in your light we see light.

Can anyone tell me what this sentance means? I get the first part that we draw our living water from God as water from a well. But what does it mean to see light in light? I know this really has nothing to do with CPE or my summer in general, but we pray this litany every week here at Goodwin House and I always trip up here. I can see the light of Christ, but what light am I looking for within that? I am kind of hoping that if I process this enough here I'll figure it out, but as I sit here staring at And in your light we see light I'm just getting more confused. So I guess I'm issuing a challenge to anyone reading this, what does it mean to see light in light? Thanks in advance for making this litany easier for me to pray.


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