VTS 07 Summer CPE

A place where I, Steve, can selfishly blog and hopefully have some friends along with me. Our focus this summer will be dealing with CPE (Church Punishes Everyone) and the trauma that goes with being a chaplain, being in community, and group process/group think. All are invited, and if you've run across us please do jump aboard.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

my mom says i'm special...

and my cpe supervisor says i'm too hard on myself. I now know at least one of them is right. Jill I apologize for assuming that this was all about me, and thank you for taking the time in the midst of a much harder cpe experience than mine to write, react, and be open.

This will probably be my last post on the readings for May/June, as I really hope to have July's reading up this weekend, but the move-in ministry is beginning, so we shall see. Anyway what jumped out at me this evening is the phrase "tormented spirits." Jesus healed sick bodies and tormented spirits. What does that mean? Were they possesed? maybe. Were they depressed? maybe. Were they demeted? maybe. Were they any combination of the residents I see on a daily basis? most definately. My cpe supervisor says we aren't here to heal and/or fix, and I think I agree with her. But if doctors and nurses are here to heal sick bodies or even better to bring comfort to sick bodies, shouldn't I have as my goal the same as Christ's? I think I figured out my unoffical goal for the summer (please don't tell my supervisor i'm adding goals) -- I will try to bring comfort to the tormented spirits I encounter each day.


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