VTS 07 Summer CPE

A place where I, Steve, can selfishly blog and hopefully have some friends along with me. Our focus this summer will be dealing with CPE (Church Punishes Everyone) and the trauma that goes with being a chaplain, being in community, and group process/group think. All are invited, and if you've run across us please do jump aboard.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Let's go to the rest of the villages so I can preach there also. This is why I've come.

Today was probably my first normal day of CPE. I wasn't so nervous I hid in an office all morning, but I also didn't spend 6 hours in clinicals bored to tears because no residents were to be found. It really was a nice day. But the highlight for me was the opportunity to preach at the Wednesday Healing Eucharist this morning. While it was only a 5 minute sermon (one that I was relatively pleased with, but certainly wasn't a masterpiece), I really felt like I connected with the congregation present. Not only that, but I had the chance to preach on a feast day for a saint with whom I had not familiarity. Oh and I wrote it yesterday. All sorts of things that will be real in ministry came true for me during this sermon today. I'm glad that I'm not called to a ministry of healing (there'd be a lot of disappointed folks). Instead, like Jesus I know my calling, and for that I'm eternally thankful.


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