VTS 07 Summer CPE

A place where I, Steve, can selfishly blog and hopefully have some friends along with me. Our focus this summer will be dealing with CPE (Church Punishes Everyone) and the trauma that goes with being a chaplain, being in community, and group process/group think. All are invited, and if you've run across us please do jump aboard.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Don't forget Jesus prayed

I was greeted by a resident today who said, "nice to meet you steve, you look tired." And man was she ever right. I am tired. I think one of my growing edges this summer will be realizing the utter weakness of my own human power. Compared to the cosmic power of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I don't have a whole lot to offer. What I do have I can only offer to God in the hopes that He might in His divine providence work through me. Even Jesus was where I am right now from time to time. How many times do we read about him going off to a secluded place at night to pray. If Jesus himself needed time to recharge in the Father, than who am I to do it all on my own.

God, I look and am tired. Take this weak body and build it up so that you might work through me to the honor and glory of your name.


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