Gentle Jesus... God's word of healing to us
What a week. I got up to go to CPE today and for the first time since Wednesday I had something close to the energy to go forth and be God's hand and feet today. Without God's word of healing today would have been just another in a series of blurred days until I finally get to rest in December of this year. But instead, today I was blessed with the Grace of God. I was given the ability to go back to CPE with my life relatively unchanged. Joe and Sarah don't have that luxury, but I am certain that God's word of healing speaks to them even more so than it has spoken to me the past few days. I realize I have no right, nor ability to express the grief our community feels at this time, but I just wanted to remind myself (and anyone who might stumble across this site) of the hope that is within me, the peace of God which passes all understanding.
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